Tuesday 18 January 2011

I'm gonna get me a new hat!

Exciting news, the 'Overseer' is re-considering the hours at the Hall of Plenty. Despite being open for hours, customers simply don't come in at certain times. Apart from those really awkward people who, no matter what time you are open till, freak out at five minutes before closing and say,
'You're not closing right now are you?'
But we won't indulge ourselves in the negative today because we might, I say might, close for the Royal Wedding.
I was always fond of Prince William!
Here's hoping Saint Diana of Windsor is smiling down on us and I get to see the frock before the Tiny Hands get bored by my middle-aged show of  Royal-ism.
Most exciting of all, Miss Pankhurst will soon throw off the chains of feminist liberation and march into a partnership of equal rights and eternal happiness with the Fiancee.We will be there to witness the taming and will definitely shed a tear or two.
With babies, weddings and the odd hormonal moment, life amongst the cosmetic counters
is a beautiful thing.
I'm off to buy a new hat.