Saturday 10 March 2012

Call me old fashioned.....

I have a few 'life catch phrases',
'I don't mean to be rude...' (Clearly about to say something painful.)
'In my opinion...' (Because I, like everyone else, am entitled to one whether anyone likes it or not.)
'Call me old fashioned but....' ( I'm not!)
'To be absolutely honest....' (My code for, 'you brought this on yourself.')

And what relevance does this have to anything? Good question, today a bloke came to the counter with his wife and kept repeating the phrase,
'You know what I hate about....'
Make up, fragrance, bottles, just about everything until he said, 'Sales staff, or ''consultants'' ' (Using the finger gesture) So I said,
'No sir, enlighten me.'
And he said,
'They are such a bunch know-it-all's. I mean, all I want when I buy something, is to know what is in it, what it does and where to put it. That's all.'

His wife and I were truly enlightened.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

My guilty secret....

I doubt none of these peoples credentials, it's just that, at one time or other I have secretly wished to kick all of them in the face. Sorry X

Monday 5 March 2012

Wasting time....

Honestly, we are not care in the community you know!

The amount of people that mess us about, talk crap, or just utterly waste our time, beggars belief. If you get one person who says, 'Oh, I have got one of your lipstick's' you get ten.
Bloody hell! We don't breed them like puppies you know. We really do not care how that lipstick is getting on with you and your family, how many times you have taken it out and how it behaved at your cousins wedding........WE WANT YOU TO GET ANOTHER ONE.


                                      Because we work in shop, Shop, SHOP, GET IT!

This is not the museum of make up, we are not here to stand about displaying things like a magicians assistant waiting for fat guy in a cummerbund to appear out of an overly large box. We are sales staff. The usual function of a shop is the opportunity for purchase, mostly involving our goods and your cash. Frankly, you could give me brass- bloody- buttons or magic beans, I really couldn't care less.
 We don't want to hear your story unless you happen to be clutching a lovely fifty pound note and then, believe me, I will dance like a monkey to whatever tune you should wish to hum.

It's been a hard day !