It's been awhile.
After tracking down 'She Who Must Be Obeyed', to what can only be described as an 'Institution' and I don't mean like, the Queen or Tom Jones or even, Mr Kipling, I'm talking ,'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' here. I thoroughly ingratiated myself, bypassing ones personal catastrophe by simply choosing never to serve 'Cottage Pie ' in my house, into full time work. And after a long silence, I have collected enough data to savagely continue in the manner of which this blog was first conceived.........
I.E. You the customer are wrong. Yes, you are.... and in so many more ways than you were in 'The Hall of Plenty.
So here ,once again com'eth the stories of woe, the gobsmackingly stupid and the 'you have got to be fucking joking!'
And as a foretaste of this rich vein of dynamic customer behavior from the consultant point of view, enjoy this,
various meanings from science to sport , what it doesn't mean is dither around, whilst other people are waiting to use the badly located till, looking in your purse for your points boosters , your extra points , your points card oh , oh , oh and that crumpled receipt you shoved in your pocket and washed but still need validating. No it doesn't, because if you have managed to save nearly two hundred pounds worth of the damn things you will be familiar with the routine. You pay at the end of the transaction. Like Christmas it never moves, it's not a surprise if you say you want to buy something that we then ask you for money and your points card, so why !?! WHY!!!!???!!!! WHHHYYY is every other points related episode punctuated by ' Oh where is it? Where have I put it? Where are my vouchers....?' Does it come as a shock to some people that in the morning their feet are where they were when they went to sleep still on the end of their legs? Because that is the level of drama at my till every day 'Oh, (laugh ,laugh,laugh) there they are, sorry...'

'Get your points card out now before I put this in a bag!'