Tuesday 6 July 2010


Call me old fashioned, but I thought that people were taught to think before they speak. I do, so do the rest of my colleagues, because if we didn't, we would get fired. However it would seem that perfectly rational human beings, that are allowed out without supervision and have competent motor skills, don't have to.
Just today, a lady didn't think about interrupting a make up to ask her very important question.
'Oi you, have you got any of that nail polish?'
When she was ignored, because as far as we know there is nobody with the first name 'Oi' or the surname 'You'  working on our counter, she decided to carry on regardless. Giving it no thought at all, she shouted,
'I said, have you got any of that nail polish in.'
Had she even added thought to observation, she would have noticed if we did. Our counter is not like an episode of Bulls Eye, there is no 'here's what you could have won', we do not leave things out if  they are not in stock.
So when I said, 'What nail polish?' and received the reply, ' You know, that new one everyone is wearing.'
I think I was justified in saying, and it took only a seconds thought,  'Do  I look psychic?'
'Can you see it?'
'Then we don't have it, do we?'

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