Tuesday 12 October 2010

You wouldn't believe.......

Days off are a struggle, my first instinct after taking the'Tiny Hands' to school is to creep back under the duvet, deliberately avoiding the washing, cleaning and the rest of the stuff, your average overworked 21st century gal tries to do. The last thing on my mind is work, however yesterday, as I sat down to my breakfast I received a text from work that made me miss my mouth with porridge. With a handful of hot oats, I learnt that our Hall of Plenty was a right old Sodom and Gomorrah.
Never mind perfume in your lady garden, apparently, somebody was escorted out of the place for indulging in a touch of the 'Colombian Marching Powder' in the toilets. Apart from the obvious, it is illegal and very bad for you.
What the hell!
The place is already like an episode of 'Are You Being Served' on Acid and that, is with out chemical enhancement. Unfortunately, it did not enhance the person in questions selling ability, had they opened a few store cards, I guess it would have been rehab rather than the dole today.
In the same day, the store discovered a wonderful website, (I will not be adding a link!) that declared our 'Hall of Plenty' and its toilets, as a rather swanky place to cottage. And, I do not mean pick out floral curtains for your little place in the country.
Call me naive, but is a shop that doesn't have blacked out windows and a licence to ''massage'' the place to pop in for an anonymous liaison, between the self service cafe and luggage?
 I don't think so.
Whatever next!

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