Friday 12 November 2010

Hell in a handcart.

Despite my seeming obsession with Dr. Who, I really am more impressed with Derren Brown, sometimes using manipulation is the easy way to get children to obey. Not that this isn't a democratic home,or that the 'Tiny Hands ' are easy to out manoeuvre, but Derren's techniques have sometimes helped.
No, I have never made them play Russian Roulette...... 'thinking', that would never happen, but the overwhelming subconscious messages you can stick up around the home are sometimes worth the effort on your day off.
What has this got to do with a cosmetics counter?
No, I do not too hypnotise my customers, before you ask.
I did however use some unconscious signals the other day.
Imagine if you can, two bottles of nail polish that are similar but to the trained eye completely different, then imagine one arsey woman at five minutes to closing.
Got that?
Right, five to closing is not the best time to start accusing the company I work for of simply making the same thing twice. So I explained,
'Actually, they are very different.'
'No, they are not, those are exactly the same colour.' she said.
'Yes that is an easy mistake to make, but in actual fact this one is red with black added and that one is black with a red tone added.'
'No, they are exactly the same.' she insisted.
'Yes , well to the untrained eye that would appear so.'
'Prove it.' she challenged.
I painted my index finger and my middle finger with the colours in question. (Enter Derren and his unconscious signals!) Then I said,
'Well , its very difficult to see under these lights, maybe if I hold them like this...' Both fingers together. ' Or if you look at the individually like this....' One finger, then the middle one. 'You can see what I mean.'
She did.

'She who must be Obeyed' worked it out simply from the fingers in question the next day. That is a well trained eye.

One handcart to hell please!

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